Jake Thurman



Hi! I'm Jake Thurman, and I'm a software developer. I'm passionate about good, usable software. I love designing simple interfaces for complex tasks, and solving interesting technical problems.

My hobbies include running, biking, studying the Bible, playing electric guitar, and spending time with my wife, Melissa.

Photo of Jake and Melissa








I am a 2019 graduate of Grove City College with a BS in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. I graduated Cum Laude with 3.48 GPA and an MQPA of 3.72. I spent my freshman year at Frederick Community College.

Notable Coursework:

Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Database Management, Networking, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, iOS Programming, Web Programming, Computer Security, Parallel Programming, Functional Programming



TypeScript, C#, F#, Swift, Java, SQL, JavaScript Python, C++, C, Bash, PHP, SASS, HTML/CSS


React, Redux, .NET MVC, Node.js, git, webpack, ASP.NET, SQL Server, WebForms, Firebase, Adobe XD


User Experience (UX), User Research, Planning & Estimation, Accessibility, Unit Testing, Documentation.

Work Experience


Website: https://www.highgear.com/

HighGear is a tool for no-code Workflow management at scale. HighGear provides the tools to let business users manage their own workflow, without writing a single line of code.

Senior Software Engineer: FEB 2023 - PRESENT

As a senior engineer, software development is still my primary goal. I find it rewarding to look for a high-quality result, while also finding ways to cut unnecessary corners to deliver quickly. I help the team and individuals make decisions on business value, technical value, and where to draw the line between them. I mentor others as needed. I look to help others learn and improve, and not just solve immediate problems myself.

Software Engineer: MAY 2019 - FEB 2023

In this role, I was responsible for planning and implementing complex features, and for tackling difficult bugs and performance regressions. I was able to work alongside others to design and build features with incomplete requirements, and deliver them on time.

Software Intern: JULY 2014 – MAY 2019

HighGear is a small company, which has allowed me to work alongside senior developers and gain personal mentorship with them all along the way. I have played an active role in research, design, planning and estimating, prioritizing with stakeholders, and implementation for numerous features. I have assisted support many times in a weekly rotation between developers and fixed numerous bugs both in correcting issues for customers and in discovering the root cause so that an issue should not reoccur.

I have directly worked on many variously sized features used now in production systems. Most notably including multiple User Experience (UX) projects, including user research and a redesign of the product UI from the ground up. Other internship projects included the refactoring of legacy Javascript, and C# code, a major documentation re-write and the modernization of many outdated UI elements, and performance improvement work.